vS-Invites System v2.0.0 for vBulletin 3.5-3.8 NULLIFIED by vB Lider

vB Lider

New Member
vS-Invites System v2.0.0 for vBulletin 3.5-3.8 NULLIFIED by vB Lider
         ____    _      _     _          
        |  _ \  | |    (_)   | |          
 __   __| |_) | | |     _  __| | ___ _ __
 \ \ / /|  _ <  | |    | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
  \ V / | |_) | | |____| | (_| |  __/ |  
   \_/  |____/  |______|_|\__,_|\___|_|
<script type="information">
Script Name   : vS-Invites System
Script Version: v2.0.0
Nulled name   : vS-Invites.System.v2.0.0.for.vBulletin.3.5.-.3.8.PHP.NULLIFIED-vBLider
Script type   : PHP/MySQL
Supplied by   : vB Lider                                         
Nullified by  : vB Lider                                   
Tested by     : vB Lider                                     
Protection    : Removed
Homepage      : http://www.visionscripts.com/
Release date  : 26/01/2009                                   
Price         : $15 USD
Your Price    : $0

<script type="description">
Looking to expand your vBulletin community? Invites System is an ultimate expansion for your vBulletin 3.5.x-3.8.x board that features
an interface for your members to easily send our registration invitations to their friends. The system can either be configured to
provide a simple means for expansion or to establish a private community where registration is only allowed by referrals. Highly
recommended for any serious administrator who seeks creating a truly large community.

<script type="release notes">
1. Unpack
2. Upload
3. Install
4. Enjoy
Release: vS-Invites System 2.0.0
Changes Since 1.7.6:

[+] Starting from this version, vS-Invites System is no longer encrypted with ioncube.
[+] All template edits have been eliminated.
[+] Added support for human verification capabilities of vBulletin 3.7.x / 3.8.x.
[+] Backwards compatible with vBulletin 3.5.x / 3.6.x.
[-] Removed support for all contact grabbers (there are no plans to resume it).

Upgrade Process From 1.7.6:

1. Upload all of the new files.
2. Overwrite the product.
3. Undo any template changes you may have done to register, register_rules, register_verify_age, usercp_shell, and usercp templates for previous versions. Or just revert those templates if you did not modify them for other hacks.
Xexiu: Here's the latest zip (downloaded from vBulletin.org)

Anywhere you want in the usercp sidebar:
<if condition="$vbulletin->options['invitation_usercp_link']">
<td class="$navclass[invitation]" nowrap="nowrap">
<a class="smallfont" href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=invitation">$vbphrase[invitation]</a>
I got this error when I click "invites" on the side menu,

"You currently do not possess any invites that you can issue."

btw, there is also no invitation link on the top of Usercp

thanks for answering
XPeter said:
I got this error when I click "invites" on the side menu,

"You currently do not possess any invites that you can issue."

btw, there is also no invitation link on the top of Usercp

thanks for answering

Anyone could help me...
XPeter said:
Anyone could help me...

To see the link in the UserCP you need to have permission to invite...Check your usergroup settings...It will appear at the bottom under 'Micellaneous'

To give yourself invites go to the Admin CP and under Users->Search For Users->Your UserName, Edit your Amount Of Unused Invites at the bottom-left column.

Hope this helps...