Volume Control on Web Page

I am a 'newbie' to building web-pages and working on 1 for my church. <br />
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I have seen various web-sites that have a volume control, usually a slider bar of some kind, that allows the person to adjust the volume of the music being played on that page. I know how to add the music to the page, but how do I get the volume control displayed? Sometimes it is a QuickTime control and others it is Windows Media Player.<br />
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Thanks in advance for your help.<!--content-->I think you're talking about the EMBED tag. It goes something like this:<br />
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<EMBED SRC=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"filename.mid"></EMBED> <br />
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Basicall, it tells the browser to embed the sound. However, the embed commands are associated with plug-ins. You might want to insert Width=x and Height=x the code above, that's what deals with the control panel.<!--content-->Typically you'd have to use propriety <param>, attributes within an <object>. For example in QuickTime: <param name="controller" value="true" /> since <embed> doesn't really exist ;) also you'd have to set up your mime types.<br />
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As it has been said before you are relying on plugins and cannot truly affect which media player is used, however you can sway the balance by using good code.<!--content-->Robert, you can still use the EMBED tag. Unless you can't run it under a browser that works, then you have to use something else. It might not meet the HTML 4 line specification at W3C though. Also, the code...<br />
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<param name="controller" value="true" /><br />
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You really don't need the slash "/" at the end there.<!--content-->Originally posted by ecross <br />
Robert, you can still use the EMBED tag. Unless you can't run it under a browser that works, then you have to use something else. It might not meet the HTML 4 line specification at W3C though. Also, the code...<br />
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<param name="controller" value="true" /><br />
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You really don't need the slash "/" at the end there. <br />
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The "/" comes from the habit of typing XHTML, where the "/" IS required, but technically it's wrong in HTML 4.01 :)<br />
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Though, if you MUST use propietary code like <embed> at least start using the proper <object> tag to nest it if possible.<br />
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eg<br />
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<object><embed></embed></object><br />
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That should make correctly working browsers use the <object> tag while leaving in the <embed> for old buggy browsers that only understands <embed>.<!--content-->Stefan you are slacking the proprietary <embed> is an empty element :D.<!--content-->