voice-family media screen validation solution


Wanting to make a simpler print.css for my blog, I thought it was about time I should change my main stylesheet media from 'all' to 'screen'. Which I did, and then remembered why I hadn't done it before, because I use Tantek's box model hack (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/boxmodelhack.html">http://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/boxmodelhack.html</a><!-- m -->) to sort out IE 5's css problems which throws up a warning upon W3C validation. But I don't want any warnings. So I tried to find a solution and came across an old thread on mezzoblue (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mezzoblue.com/">http://www.mezzoblue.com/</a><!-- m -->) which is here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mezzoblue.com/archives/2003/07/26/garden_and_c/comments/#c000784">http://www.mezzoblue.com/archives/2003/ ... s/#c000784</a><!-- m -->) .

I have changed

voice-family: "\"}\"";


text-align: "\"}\"";

and everything behaves as before AND there are no warnings with the media set at screen.

If this is ok then this thread is just passing on what I found (couldn't find it anywhere else), but if it's going to give me any problems I'd like to how and why.

R:( found a problem. IE 5 inherits the value for text-align from the surrounding element which would mean writing more CSS, which isn't too good really as I use text-align all over the place.

However I did some investigation work to find a property that could have inheritence and also could have strings and the only one I could find was 'quotes'. However W3C says that you need to display 2 pairs of quotes (I tried with one pair but it didn't work too well) and I came up with:


So now it's all :D .

I now presume that Tantek used 'voice-family' because it is rarely used and hopefully the same goes with 'quotes' (I'd not heard of it until today).

But I'd still like to know from anyone who thinks this might be a bit dodgy and for what reasons. I've already tested it in my blog and everything seems OK but don't have the ability to check this hack in Mac browsers.
