Visual Web Developer 2005 Express and AS/400


This is my first post; if it shouldn't be here, please move appropriately as I'm not sure what forum it should be in.

I'm hoping I can have someone show me a very basic ASP.NET web page created with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express that allows updating, inserting, and deletion of records within a gridview using Client Access Express (IBMDA400). I have good knowledge of ASP (not ASP.NET) and have developed many scripts to communicate with RPG programs on the AS/400. (I do not create or work with the RPG programs; I do however work with the physical files they interact with)

I want it to just be 1 or 2 columns of records from an AS/400 physical file just to see how it works. I currently have a gridview showing data from an AS400 physical file that I just copied into my library, but I can only get it to SHOW records. I can't get the "AutoGenerateEditButton/AutoGenerateDeleteButton" to work with this AS400 file. It works GREAT when I use Microsoft SQL or MSAccess but I need this to work with the AS/400.

I have mediocre knowledge of the AS/400 and don't know how to create a physical file with a "Auto-Increment Unique Primary key" that I'm so used to having in MSSQL/MySQL/MSAccess so maybe someone can show me how to do this too? I'm simply using an existing physical file that doesn't have a primary key, or a "Auto Increment Unique key" that I'm used to providing.

Attached is my default.aspx and web.config files (the only thing I changed is my AS400 password.) You will see it uses my own AS400 profile library to connect and a custom SELECT statement. But I want to create my own physical file from scratch though in my library on the AS400. Hope someone can help! I'll keep my thread updated as I continue my research and see what I can figure out.