When I wrote ASP's, I could copy them to a server and change the GLOBAL.ASA file to make them use server specific setup options (using application and session level variables). Visual studio.net doesn't make this process easy especially with database connections and the like. Has anyone used Visual studio.net to deploy applications? How can you do this easily by say copying the project (no pre-compiling) and simply editing the global.aspx file? Any advice regarding sqldataAdapters and connectionstrings? I tried to define connection strings as application level variables and use these in the code to "generisize everything" . Visual studio.net pukes all over this type of creativity...Use your Web.config file... <BR><BR><configuration><BR> <appSettings><BR> <!-- Example: <add key="settingName" value=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"settingValue"/> --><BR> <add key="ConStr1" value="data source=;initial catalog=MYDB..." /><BR> </appSettings><BR><BR>Then you access it using the following code in your code behind (VB
<BR><BR>Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConStr1"))<BR><BR>OK?Thanks! This works great. Now I can acutally deploy an app to multiple server environments.... I'll test it and get back to you.