ViewState Invalid and ASP.NET in TV Browsers


New Member
"The View State is invalid for this page and might be corrupted."<BR><BR>I posted this below and I did look in the archives. No one <BR>seems to understand this problem but I have found out one thing.<BR><BR>It is only happening for WebTV people. So I am wondering what the experience is like for them. Despite the fact no one really cares about these browsers they should be able to read the simplest of .NET pages. Poeple with AOLTV have also reported that they get an error stating "AOLTV does not recognize pages of this type". Which to me sounds like the .aspx extension is not recognized by the browser. However that is possible?????????????????????????I don't think it's so much the issue of the extention as it may be the tags being used. I haven't had to cater to much to the tv browsers, but I know their html support is pretty basic. Viewstate is simply a string that is placed inside a hidden field that is passed back to the page during postback. Do these browsers support the <input type=hidden>?I don't know what you mean by the tags being used. It's a simple page with 2 foem fields with required field validators. <BR>We also have found some evidence that this may only be happening with the paging. That is what we are investigating right now.