Viewing code in a browser


New Member
Is there a function that change a text (wich is an code) and put colors in it? Comments = green, "if" = blue, etc. <BR>Example :<BR> don't think so, this colors use come from the Editors, in example, the editor of html that I'm using, puts the html comments in yellow so you can see it easily. Visual Basic 6.0 puts the comments in green by default (in both programs you can change this options). <BR><BR>But you never change the code colors while programing...<BR><BR>Salvador Gallego.I think you misunderstood me. I have a database of codes that can be searched through an program. When i display the code in the browser, i want it to have the same colors as the editor. And since the page i gave in my first post is formated like that, maybe there is a function or a free class in that can perform that.