Video Orientation


Staff member
I have several videos in my site that are oriented horizontally and I want them to be vertical. How can I do this? Is there a parameter in the embed tag that would work or do I have to do this in the file itself? If I have to do it in the file itself, what is the best editor to use.<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->let me just check what you want to do, you want the videos aranged vertical or you want them to play on there side? as if you were watching tv with your head turned?<br />
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Rich<!--content-->Right now it is playing like I have to turn my head to watch it and I want to be able to watch it without turning my head. Hope this helps you help me, and thanks for your time!<!--content-->ok dont know why it would be playing on its side if you could put a section of the coding on the thread that would be great, then i could have a look at it and let you know how to fix it??<br />
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Rich<!--content-->The video was taken off of a digital camera and I am guessing it was turned sideways while the video was shot. Here is the embed code I am using:<br />
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<embed src=" Trip/movies/dancin_baby.mpg" autostart=true></embed><!--content-->ok ive had a go but without much luck im affraid may i suggest going to<br />
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Download <!--more-->.com (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Download">http://www.Download</a><!-- m --> <!--more-->.com) <br />
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and d/l a video editor in that you will surely be able to change the orientation of the video, then save it the right way and it should work fine<br />
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