very very urgent ,


Hi ,<br />
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I have a td <td height="15" width="212"> which takes 40 characters. If I enter with any spaces, then it is wrapping it to next line. If I enter without spaces, and a string like like 'WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW'<br />
it is stretching very much. <br />
<br />
What I want is it should not test and even though I enter data without spaces, it should come to next line.<br />
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It is very urgent. pls some one respond.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
Laxmi<!--content-->Try using nowrap<br />
<br />
<td height="15" width="212" nowrap><!--content-->I used it, but no use. what my requirement is , it should wrap into next line if it exceeds the given width. <br />
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Suppose if there is a space in between the string , it is wrapping to the next line, but other wise, in the above string which I have given , it is streching all the way.<!--content-->I don't think you can make text wrap automatically in a table cell. You would have to do it manually:<br />
<td height="15" width="212">some text here<br>more text</td><!--content-->Just note that your height and width attributes should have a unit of measurement, px, em, %.<!--content-->Thanks spufi, I am going through them.<!--content-->Well, I believe it's something that W3C's validator would flag, so you might want to look into using that. Doctype and validator link is in my sig. Just make sure you have a <meta> tag that defines your charset and you're good to go.<!--content-->