Vertically arrange divs on smartphone browser with scrollable centre div


New Member
I am trying to arrange a group of divs on-top of each other. The top div must be static place in the top-left (width = 100%) and not affected by the vertical scrolling that the centre div will have. I works somewhat as I want, except that the container div also got a vertical scroll that I don't want. Now I have two overlapping vertical scrollbars, one for the container div and one for the centre. I also use JQuery mobile on the page if that could help me arrange the divs.How can I make my centre div (id=scroll) the only div that is scrollable and have my top div (id=fixed) at a fixed position without a scrollbar (no overlap of vertical scrollbars) and not be affected by page scrolling?\[code\]<div id="conatainer" style="overflow: hidden; height: 100%"> <div id="fixed" style="position: static; top: 0%; overflow: hidden; height: 50%"> <div id="map_canvas" style="width:100%; height: 85% ;min-height: 180px"> ... </div> <div id="scroll" style="position: absolute; overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden; height: 50%"> ... </div></div>\[/code\]