vertically aligning a table?


i have basic html knowledge, but i have no idea how to put my table in the middle of the page vertically. it is the only thing in the <body>. i tried the <spacer>, which didnt seem to do anything...i tried both vertical and block types. i tried using vspace as well, but again, did nothing. these are tips i have found on the net...can anyone help me out?! my page looks poo with the table right at the top below my menu bar.<!--content-->if you want the table to be right in the middle you can do it a couple of ways.<br />
<br />
1)<br />
menu stuff here<br />
<p><br />
<div align="center"><br />
<table><br />
<tr><td></td></tr><br />
</table><br />
</div><br />
<br />
2)<br />
menu stuff<br />
<p><br />
<table align="center" valign="middle"><br />
<tr><td></td></tr><br />
</table><!--content-->hey thanks...i tried those last night too, but thought id try them again after you suggested them...nothing!!!<br />
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there must be summat in my <head> that stops it from working? no that i can see anything..<br />
<br />
i am new here..dunno what goes n, but ive attached it, hope thats ok.<br />
thanks<!--content-->Hi, loadedplatypus<br />
<br />
welcome on board.......<br />
I've used Arachnophilia.......<br />
Yep.... you had put a part of the body in the head.<br />
Download <!--more--> Arachno here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
Tutorial, step by step:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
A very nice html editor.<br />
Look at the att if it is ok.<!--content-->thanks...thing is, its for a uni assignment, and we are not allowed to use an editor. has to be our own HTML, with one java applet only. i looked at the new source after you'd put it in arachnophilia...i corrected the head/body parts..still nothing!! sorry to be such a moaner, but this is really annoying...<!--content-->This may not work in all browsers, but it may be a quick fix...<br />
<br />
Put the area into a table that is set to the width and height and valign the cell contents...<!--content-->thankyou!! it works in both my browser and the uni's, so thats the answer!!<br />
thanks again<!--content-->