Vertical Text?


I was just wondering if there is a way to show vertical text? Also I would like the vertical text to have an on click event. I would like to do this using one or more of the following: Javascript, ASP, HTML. Is this possible?<br />
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Thank you,<br />
SirWeb<!--content-->vertical as in 'turn your head sideways to read it' or 'keep your head normally oriented and read the letters down'? <br />
I think I remember playing with a narrow table to get the second effect. Right off the bat I would use a GIF to get the first effect.<br />
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Am I any help? ;)<!--content-->I went looking for the same answer some time ago. This is what I came up with, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I did hear however, you can make vertical text using layers and dhtml. Sounded like more work than it was worth though.<!--content-->I was thinking of the first option (turn your head sideways and read it). I had thought about Gif's but just wasn't sure if that was the best way.<br />
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But it looks like it should work. Thanks for your help.<!--content-->Do you need to produce the text dynamically or will it be static (i.e. does the text ever change). I am afraid I don't know ASP but in PHP there is something called GD which allows images to be produced or edited dynamically, especially text. Perhaps ASP has a similar module?<!--content-->This page may hold some ideas...<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... eDirection</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I think I read that later versions of CSS allow this, but formatting like that is so badly supported that I would avoid it. I only really use CSS for formatting text and navs --<br />
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A gif would be best.<br />
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If the content in the "turn your head sideways" part is to be dynamic you might want to consider re-arranging your page content (perhaps create popup windows that display an expanded view of a table cell's contents . . .or something)<br />
Does that make sense? In your table cell say <br />
"obnoxiously large amount of data -- click here to view" or something like that, and have the link open a popup.<br />
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But any way to accomplish the "turn your head sideways" part *dynamically* is pretty much more trouble than it is worth.<br />
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IMHO<br />
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-b<!--content-->You can use the Label control:<br />
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<br />
<object classid="clsid:99B42120-6EC7-11CF-A6C7-00AA00A47DD2" <br />
align="left" id="vertText" width="40" height="400"><br />
<param name="caption" value="What's new Pussycat?"><br />
<param name="angle" value="90"><br />
<param name="alignment" value="0"><br />
<param name="BackStyle" value="0"><br />
<param name="FontName" value="Verdana"><br />
<param name="FontSize" value="16"><br />
<param name="FontBold" value="1"><br />
<param name="Forecolor" value="16711833"><br />
</object><br />
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<button onclick="document.all.vertText.caption='Pussycat, Pussycat, I Love You'">Change</button><!--content-->Hi all,<br />
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I too am in need of this function -<br />
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the spec is for the text (VIN) to be written<br />
from the top of the page down the left side <br />
of the page - with the text to be normally<br />
read when the page is turned 90 degrees.<br />
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The question of a graphic will not work -<br />
the text is dynamic.<br />
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I have access to a stylesheet, but don't really<br />
know where to begin with them in this case...<br />
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tia<br />
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tony<!--content-->The question of a graphic will not work - <br />
the text is dynamic. <br />
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I just told you - use the bloody Label control.<br />
Sheeeesh!<!--content-->Thaks for all the feed back and the label control works great. So thanks again.<br />
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SirWeb<!--content-->Wish I had known about that 6 months ago!<!--content-->One more quick question, is it possible to use an onclick event of something with this so I can use it as a link? I tried onclick and the <a> quickly and it didn't seem to work? Does anyone know if that should work or not?<br />
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Thanks again :)<!--content-->