I am very new to Javascript, but I have dabbled a bit...
As such, I have no idea how I might accomplish the following, if JavaScript is the right tool for the job, or if something else would be easier/is required to make it work.
I have been tasked with developing our companies Intranet. The problem is that I.S. refuses to map local network drives for use by remote users. This is causing problems whenever remote users attempt to download linked files.
To resolve this, I wonder if one of you experts might be able to advise me on a method of determining if the user is on the local network, and if so, load page A. If not, load page B.
Much of my web-work is being done in Dreamweaver, if this helps.
Thanks so much for your feedback, and my apologies for the respective 'forum novel'.
Warmest Regards,
I am very new to Javascript, but I have dabbled a bit...
As such, I have no idea how I might accomplish the following, if JavaScript is the right tool for the job, or if something else would be easier/is required to make it work.
I have been tasked with developing our companies Intranet. The problem is that I.S. refuses to map local network drives for use by remote users. This is causing problems whenever remote users attempt to download linked files.
To resolve this, I wonder if one of you experts might be able to advise me on a method of determining if the user is on the local network, and if so, load page A. If not, load page B.
Much of my web-work is being done in Dreamweaver, if this helps.
Thanks so much for your feedback, and my apologies for the respective 'forum novel'.
Warmest Regards,