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||  ##########################################################################  ||
||  #      __  ______    _______ ___   _____ __________  _ ____  ___________ #  ||
||  #     /  |/  /   |  / ____(_)   | / ___// ____/ __ \(_) __ \/_  __/ ___/ #  ||
||  #    / /|_/ / /| | / /_  / / /| | \__ \/ /   / /_/ / / /_/ / / /  \__ \  #  ||
||  #   / /  / / ___ |/ __/ / / ___ |___/ / /___/ _, _/ / ____/ / /  ___/ /  #  ||
||  # ©/_/  /_/_/  |_/_/   /_/_/  |_/____/\____/_/ |_/_/_/     /_/  /____/   #  ||
||  #                                                                        #  ||
||  #                              MAFiASCRiPTS                              #  ||
||  #                            OFFICIAL RELEASE                            #  ||
||  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  ||
||  #                            Copyright © 2008                            #  ||
||  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  ||
||  #                                                                        #  ||
||  # NAME        : vBulletin                                                #  ||
||  # VERSION     : 3.7.3                                                    #  ||
||  # TYPE        : Bulletin Board System                                    #  ||
||  # SUPPLIED    : MAFiASCRiPTS Friend                                      #  ||
||  # NULLED BY   : MAFiASCRiPTS                                             #  ||
||  # TESTED BY   : MAFiASCRiPTS                                             #  ||
||  # PACKAGED    : MAFiASCRiPTS                                             #  ||
||  # LANGUAGE    : PHP/MYSQL                                                #  ||
||  # PROTECTION  : REMOVED                                                  #  ||
||  # WEBSITE     : www.vbulletin.com                                        #  ||
||  # RETAILS     : $160.00                                                  #  || 
||  # MST PRICE   : 100% FREE                                                #  ||
||  # DISTRO      : VIA MS                                                   #  ||
||  # DEMO        : www.vbulletin.com/forum/                                 #  ||
||  # ADDONS      : n/a                                                      #  ||
||  # XTRA NOTE   : Props fliez to contributors of this project: supplier,   #  ||
||  #               nuller and QAT.                                          #  ||
||  # DOCS        : check 'vb3_readme.txt' for setup & installation info     #  ||
||  #                                                                        #  ||
||  #------------------------------ DESCRiPTiON -----------------------------#  ||
||  #                                                                        #  ||
||  #  vBulletin is a professional, affordable community forum solution.     #  ||
||  #  Thousands of clients, including many industry leading blue chip       #  ||
||  #  companies, have chosen vBulletin - It's the ideal choice for any      #  ||
||  #  size of community.                                                    #  ||
||  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  ||

is this relese sucure like becuz in 1 of there 3.7.2 they had a forma shell so any1 could deface so i am wondering abt 3.7.3 mmmmmmm
If I understood correctly 3.73 is a maintenance release only.

No new features!

If you're at 3.72 Patch Level 2 is the same thing as 3.73.

Can someone confirm this please? Thanks!
vegatron said:

can you please give us the only changed files from version 3.7.2

and Ramadan Mubarak
to upgrade you need to upload all the files and execute the upgrade process. This is not a patch level release.
snardley said:
Can someone confirm that there's is nothing in 3.73 that's not in 3.72 patch level 2?

Actually there is something that I am happy with. It prevents users from using their username as a password. I consider that a big security fix. And it isn't in 3.7.2 PL2
vegatron said:

can you please give us only the changed files from version 3.7.2

and Ramadan Mubarak

Can't this is a integrated update. No replacing files. There are actual changes done to the DB. So you can't be cheap about it.

And on top of it. (I have to say this, cause this annoyed me).

If you run a board, how can you be so laid back about security and a good worthy upgrade that is made for the protection of your board and users? Common man, I don't know what kind of board you run, but I bed each and every one of your users care if you have a board running with the latest security features enabled.

I say this, if you run a board. You take the responsibility of the security. And the users of the board expect that you will take care of any flaws that are there and have a known fix for them.

Be a admin and act like it.