vBulletin thinks its HTML


New Member
How can I fix this? I am not switching to IPB anymore after I learned how much **** it really is. Worse than I thought it would be.

Whenever I want to view a thread, it takes me here: /forum-name/thread_name.html

And it says 404 not forund. How do I fix it?
xD maaan that's not a problem of vb actually owo is just you're too new to vb D: and that was like you were threaten us? is your own problem if you want to use vb or ipb actually i like vbulletin a lot more than ipb.
Grinderhand said:
Looks like you have VBSEO installed without uploading the .htaccess file.
Yeah. .htaccess problem apparently. :D
I do prefer vBulletin. Say NO to IPB especially their latest version (crappy) :P
xD i have noticed that his domain is in his location, sooo your a n00b right? did you know that you could get reported and that vbulletin staff will shut down your website? well if you got offshore host then there's no problem but i recommed you to change your location
My hosting allows warez. But I need to fix that. Should I UNinstall vBSEO?


EDIT: Deactivated vBSEO! Problem Fixed!
co.cc domains are vulnerable domains they will take your domain out anytime!! dont get cheated by their life time free domain sh*t.. plus take off your url from location area.. even if your hosting supports warez once vbulletin guys mail them you will be taken down!
