vBulletin Blog 2.0.1 Patch Level 1 Released

Not sure if this is the right spot to post this but...I am having a problem with the Blog entries...I just updated to this version of the script and the Blog text is showing twice on the page...Is this normal?

(Please see attached screen shot)
What template or setting can I edit to fix this?

Phlex said:
Not sure if this is the right spot to post this but...I am having a problem with the Blog entries...I just updated to this version of the script and the Blog text is showing twice on the page...Is this normal?

(Please see attached screen shot)
What template or setting can I edit to fix this?


testacc said:
there are problems with extract of this file :)

Thats why we normaly wait for GYSN/vBTeam releases.

#Unknown nuller
#Unkown poster
#Unknown release

Don't complain it aint working....
TheProphet said:
Thats why we normaly wait for GYSN/vBTeam releases.

#Unknown nuller
#Unkown poster
#Unknown release

Don't complain it aint working....

Thanks Prophet...Totally solved my problem...I appreciate it! =)

Guess I have to uninstall and reinstall the old version...Sweet...

I fixed it...Overwrote with vBulletin.Blog.v2.0.0.RC.1.for.vBulletin.3.7.PHP.NULLIFIED-GYSN then went in phpMyAdmin and deleted 'title' & 'description' text from 'blog_user' table

Don't know why I even bother asking for help...Always end up figuring shit out on my own anyway...