vBulletin Account


New Member
Well basically I have access to an old friends account who fucked me over...I'm wondering if there's anyway I can get access to his vbulletin.org or make a new one...or completely steal the vbulletin.com account from him ect lol. Any suggestions/info is appreciated :P
what you could do is.
got to vbulletin.com support and say i forgot my vbulleting.org password and username here is my forum.
say its legitimate only if it really is ....
but the thing is he will email the password and that to the email that you used before to gain the account you you have to know his email account ID and password.

just say if you could email me it on the email i registerd and bought the vbulletin from that would be great.
and if they dont see anything fishy on your forum.... that one you email them like the url for it then it should be fine.
they might ask a few details like when is it your birthday etc.