vBulletin 3.7.4 Installation problem


New Member
i'm having an error after this step
Step 2) Connect to the database

Attempting to attach to database

Connection succeeded! The database already exists.

The error is
Fatal error: Could not open /home/gamerhq/public_html/includes/xml/bitfield_vbulletin.xml in /home/gamerhq/public_html/includes/class_bitfield_builder.php on line 130

Please help :)

Another issue:
When i'm uploading Remote (URL) Avatars on my other vB Forum, I get this error message
Upload failed due to failure writing temporary file.

And when I upload the avatar from my PC. It works fine but this thing shows up at top
Warning: tempnam() [function.tempnam]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/ikram/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in [path]/includes/class_dm_userpic.php on line 204
same here i just installed 3.7.3 then upgraded to 3.7.4 then the PL1 that shld help although i would like some help on that avatar shit aswell =)
Your server running Suhosin? Looks like it might be. Check phpinfo.php to see if it is installed. If it is, you need to add some stuff to your .htaccess to get around it or get you Host to turn it off for your site.
You will need to get you host involved, now that I have checked on it again and forgot that it was php.ini not .htaccess

you can add suhosin.log.sapi = 511 to your php.ini to force suhosin to log all of its errors which could help track them down. Most of them would be related to the style editing and the number of variables.

For our servers we use:
suhosin.cookie.encrypt = Off
suhosin.memory_limit = 32M
suhosin.session.encrypt = Off
suhosin.log.sapi = 511
suhosin.get.max_value_length = 1024
suhosin.executor.eval.blacklist = "exec,system,passthru,shell_exec,fopen,file_get_co ntents,file_put_contents,tmpnam"
suhosin.request.max_vars = 2048
suhosin.post.max_vars = 2048

The last line may break some of your plugins.
Fatal error: Could not open /home/gamerhq/public_html/includes/xml/bitfield_vbulletin.xml in /home/gamerhq/public_html/includes/class_bitfield_builder.php on line 130
What about this?
ikram did you chmod all files to 777 ? if not it wont read it and another thing if you didnt upload all the files and uploaded them in binary..as to over write them.
Sir, Almost everything is solved except this
Fatal error: Could not open /home/gamerhq/public_html/includes/xml/bitfield_vbulletin.xml in /home/gamerhq/public_html/includes/class_bitfield_builder.php on line 130
Have tried everything (uploading again and etc)
then when you upgraded it was not chmod to the right permissions....if you installed the keygen version. the only way someone can help you know is for you to give someone who you would trust complete access to the cPanle, FTP, and admin access with full permissions so they can go in and fix it without that then just wipe everything out and start over..dont know what else to tell yeah .

[color=Red]Fatal error: Could not open [/color]/home/gamerhq/public_html/includes/xml/bitfield_vbulletin.xml in /home/gamerhq/public_html/includes/class_bitfield_builder.php on line 130

the code in red clearly states you do not have the correct permissions set...thus my point you didnt chmod it right to begin with.