VBTeam Support?


New Member
Yeah, sorry this is my first post, but I have been coming here a while I just forgot the email I used so I had to create a new name. Anyways, I usually find what I need just looking around but I have incurred a problem on the post_bit legacy that I need some assistance with.

This is what I did. I downloaded and installed the Red Full template located in your 3.7.X free templates forum. Some of the coding was done in a foriegn language but I was able to decipher most of it and get the post_bit legacy from that template working on my other template. The only problem I have ran into so far was, when guests come to my site I have like 4 areas I allow them to view, well when they view the posts, they all come up with a registration warning on ALL the posts. I know it is a hack, it had to of come with the product install but I can not seem to find it.

Would anyone possibly know the name of this modification so I can delete it?
I already know where the post_bit template edit is at.


Sorry this should be in the Programming forum!

Checked the plugins and I saw nothing at all. This is a screen shot of the inactive template, so the block is in the language it was originally.
Check vboptions menu and see if the hack is in there. That is usually where "configurable" hacks get posted so you can change parameters on them. Once you find the hack we can figure out how to remove it.
Thanks for the help. I figured it out though. It wasn't a hack. I've been found the code I just didn't know that all I had to do was revert the post bit legacy, find the code that is supposed to be in that spot and replaced it. All is well.

Thank you