vBTeam Admin CP.


New Member
So you love vBTeam that much you want to have its style as your admincp. well here it is..

Credits go to.
(please edit this mods/admins as i can't remember for my life)

Also: Please say thanks.. If you want to :)..


New Member
mojopanel said:
Credits go to.
(please edit this mods/admins as i can't remember for my life)

Well I made this and posted in ELiTE shares so I think credit goes to me, but if it is my creation then that means it got leaked.


New Member
mojopanel said:
Sorry. I thought it was a good way to get people using it. You can remove the thread if i done ban :(.
Ah ok thank you for clarifying...

applepod124 said:
it was in mmmxiv's vBulletin 3.8.2 premod.

Dont be stupid If I were gonna ban you I would have done it at the time of my last post....;)