vBRecycle for 3.8.x


New Member
-= vBRecycle
-= Version : 1.00
-= Main Author: LNTT
-= Upgrade by : Computer_Angel
-= For vBulletin: 3.8.x


* Version 1.0.0
o + Upgrade from vBRecycle v3.0.9 - vBulletin.org Forum
+ Fix cache templates (credit to mfyvie)

* Easily install & uninstall with Product Installer. *NEW
* Main Settings
o Quick active or disable recycle.*NEW
o Select default recycle.
o Auto convert normal forum => recycle forum.*NEW
o Set type move(Copy thread to destination forum, Move and leave redirect in previous forum and Move to destination forum)
* Recycle Manager
o Easily edit settings.
o Delete forum recycle.
o Unlimited recycle.
o Set default recycle.
o Select recycle for special forum.
* Empty Recycle Bin.
* Link After Moved.
o Options in showtheard, inline mod.
* Quick Create Recycle*NEW
* Scheduled Tasks Recycle*NEW
o Auto empty recycle*NEW
* Set permissions for each usergroup.
* Add "vBRecycle Options" in "Add New Forum" & "Edit Forum" *NEW

[Step 1][Upload Files]

Copy all files to their respective location:

* admincp/vbrecycle_admin.php
* images/misc/vbrecycle_lock.gif
* images/misc/vbrecycle_default.gif
* images/misc/vbrecycle_scheduledtask.gif
* images/misc/vbrecycle_edit.gif
* images/misc/vbrecycle_empty.gif
* includes/adminfunctions_vbrecycle.php
* includes/cron/vbrecycle_clean.php
* includes/xml/bitfield_vbrecycle.xml
* includes/xml/cpnav_vbrecycle.xml

[Step 2][Run the Product Installer]
URL: http://www.yoursite.com/admincp/plug...?do=productadd
Select product-vbrecycle***.xml.

[Installation Completed]
I have a weird problem. The only place the command "Move to Recycle" shows in the Moderation Tools is in the Recycle Bin itself. For some stupid reason it's not in any of the other forums. It's a great looking mod, so I hope someone can help me get this fixed.