vbportal 3.6.5 for vb 3.6.8 nulled

I try install vbportal 3.6.5 on vbulletin 3.6.8, but:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare print_cp_header() in /users/m/o/r/morrisonline/public_html/vportal/forum/includes/adminfunctions.php on line 241

toniboni88 said:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare print_cp_header() in /mounted-storage/.../www/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php on line 234

Guys! I Bump this thread because i have noticed this error too
Here is the lineup :)
VB 3.7.2
VB Portal 3.6.4

and i uploaded the vb portal's 3.6.5 files as i had to.
But when i tried to run upgrade.php that message comes...

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare print_cp_header() in /mounted-storage/.../www/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php on line 234

Is there anything we could try to bypass that error please? :)