
You have to post a link so we know what your talking about. Please post a link to the site were this mod is located so we can see what it is your talking about.
I have adapted the attached version to work on my vB 3.8.3.
So far we have had no problems.
One thing I will say is that there must have been a reason this went into the graveyard! So use with caution.
cornishman said:
I have adapted the attached version to work on my vB 3.8.3.
So far we have had no problems.
One thing I will say is that there must have been a reason this went into the graveyard! So use with caution.

Could you please explain what this does?

your better off using COMETCHAT... it's practially the same thing as vbpager, but it;s supported and new.
h@ck3r said:
Could you please explain what this does?

Here's the intro, hope it helps
vB Pager is a text-based instant messaging system over your community between members. Users can exchange short & quick messages amongst each other. Unlike the regular private messaging system, the paged user is guaranteed to read your message & reply to it (if you choose this option) instantly & easily.

* Features:
o Uses AJAX Technology to Send pager messages / Get pager messages / Add & Remove a member to buddy list / Add & Remove a member from Ignore list. (No Refresh Required)
* Main Features:
o vB Pager Buddy List ‘pop-up’ window is used to keep track of the friends you wish to interact with. By going to your "vB Pager Buddies", you'll be able to see which of your friends are currently online and offline, and be able to send them a pager message. Adding people to your buddy list also allow you to send pager messages to multiple forum members at the same time. You may add any member of the forums to your buddy list by clicking the icon next to their names in the vB Pager Online Members Page or Clicking the Manage Buddies Link to add/remove members into your list.
o vB Pager Ignore List ‘pop-up’ window lists are used for those people who's messages you wish not recieve from.
o Received Pager Messages are Draggable Inline Popups.
o Sending a message opens up a small window where you can type in message to be sent.
o Optional Anonymity: you can choose to hide your username when paging another user on the forum, & define which Usergroup can utilize this option.
o The window comes in with a built-in character counter to enable the user to keep track of the characters typed.
o Logs of all incoming and outgoing pager messages ‘Inbox/Sent Items’ member has, can be viewed and deleted.
o Download Stored Messages as XML, CSV, TXT.
o Members can turn the vB Pager Off anytime they wish not to receive pager messages, and they can select the option to receive pager messages from those who are in their Pager Buddy List only.
Got it all working looks fine in Firefox but not in IE, when you go to the members profiled, click the send message drop down, it's all on one line any ideas what template to edit to change this?
