vbookie problem...


New Member
Everytime I change the admins permissions to yes on all of the vBookie options, I save it then go back and they're set to no. So no one can create an event/bet.

I found this issue at vbulletin.org. however, I am not the owner of the license and cannot read the code.

I was wondering if someone can help me so I can fix this. If you could kindly post the codes to the fix here....there are more on page 117 as well.

Thanks in advance.

Here is the bitfield....what needs to be edited so this will work?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<bitfields product="bookiehack">
		<group name="ugp">
			<group name="forumpermissions">
			<bitfield name="canpostvbookieevent" group="vbookie_permissions" phrase="can_post_vbookieevents" install="2,5,6,7">67108864</bitfield>
			<bitfield name="caneditothersvbookieevents" group="vbookie_permissions" phrase="can_edit_others_vbookieevents" install="5,6,7">134217728</bitfield>
			<bitfield name="canbet" group="vbookie_permissions" phrase="can_bet_on_vbookieevents" install="2,5,6,7">268435456</bitfield>
masterofdeath said:
help me too please

It says to rebuild your bitfield.


Log into your Admin Control Panel.

Scroll down the left hand nav menu until you get to the Plugins & Products Area.... expand it.. click on Plugin Manager.

This will then bring up all the plugins that you have installed within vbulletin...

Scroll down the list and Look for the Product : vBookie area... this area will contain all the plugins associated with vbookie....

Find the specific plugin that needs to be modified (vBookie: Redirect to vbookie.php when posting new Event) and then click on [edit]

This will open the plugin so that you can replace the block of code with the block that Paul had in his post...

Hit save and you are good to go
as far as the phrase, no, its not created in the vbookie.php... you need to log into your ACP and on the left hand nav, go down to the Languages and Phrases... expand the group, Click on Phrase Manager, in the main pain window, click on add new phrase.. this will open up a form to create the new phrase...

Phrase Type: vBookie
Product: vBookie
Varname: vbookie_exceeded_max_bet
Text: You have exceeded the maximum amount of $1000 per bet.

The posting of vbookie events in 3.6 is broken because the hook used has moved.

To fix this problem, the following plugin must be edited ;

vBookie: Redirect to vbookie.php when posting new Event

Replace the plugin code with this ;

PHP Code:
if ($newpost['postvbookieevent'])
$vbulletin->url = 'vbookie.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "t=$newpost[threadid]&vbookieeventoptions=$newpost[vbookieeventoptions]&do=newevent";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks_moderate', true, false));