New Member
Version: 3.7.0 RC 4
What this hack do?
This adds thread infos above the thread.
-- Go to your admin cp, then:
Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product] -> Select 'product-product-thread_info.xml' from your computer then press 'Import'
-- Open the showthread Templates
Add Below
Modifications Info
Plugin : 2
Phrases : 17
Template : 1
Setting : 8
What this hack do?
This adds thread infos above the thread.
- You can completely on/off the product
- you can change marquee speed
- You can change max thread title character.That means when you write 10 in title setting section the thread title is longer than 10 it will automaticlyy marquee the title so there wont be any bad shown on table
- You can change max viewing users.That means when you write 2 in users section the viewing users total are above your setting limit it will automaticly marquee
- can you change marquee speed
- can you change marquee width
-- Go to your admin cp, then:
Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product] -> Select 'product-product-thread_info.xml' from your computer then press 'Import'
-- Open the showthread Templates
Plugin : 2
Phrases : 17
Template : 1
Setting : 8