vbGuild (free) - Guild/Clan Roster Plugin (multi-game, multi-char)


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vbGuild (free) - Guild/Clan Roster Plugin (multi-game, multi-char) - vBulletin.org Forum

Until now, there's been no vBulletin plugin that supports a guild whose history spans more than one game, one server, or with members having multiple characters in the same game. vbGuild is made with those guilds in mind. Define games, servers for those games, and traits for each game. A trait can be a text input value like surname or crafter type, a dropdown for values like race, class, or level, a radio button, or a check box. Set up each game's character history exactly as you want it. Determine which usergroups can record their characters on your board and which show up in your roster and then view that roster at any level, i.e. all games, one game, or one server.

The free version only supports 1 game and 1 server, nor will it see any future enhancements. Some of the planned enhancements for the full version: quick-sort for traits, import lists from text and game-specific feeds (as games come out), flag games as inactive or default, view roster split by usergroups, profile tab for specific user character history, and allow admin to act as another user. You can find out more about how to get the full version here.

This is our first mod and we're hoping to make it a major one over time. Please support the effort. Thanks and we look forward to hearing feedback.

It works with 3.7.x and higher. Please click installed.

  1. Download the latest version attached.
  2. Extract the files to your desktop.
  3. Transfer the contents of the "upload" folder to your web server's forum root folder via FTP.

  1. Open your board's admin control panel: vBTEAM Underground - Free vBulletin Hacks, Skins and Support
  2. Expand Plugins & Products >> Manage Products
  3. Click [Add/Import Product] at the bottom.
  4. Browse to product_vbGuild.xml in the "do not upload" folder you extracted.
  5. Allow Overwrite = Yes.
  6. Click Import.

  1. Open your board's admin control panel: vBTEAM Underground - Free vBulletin Hacks, Skins and Support
  2. Expand Styles & Templates >> Style Manager
  3. Expand the style you want to add vbGuild to.
  4. Expand the User Control Panel Templates and open the USERCP_SHELL template.
  5. Find the following:
    <if condition="$show['profilepiclink']">
                    <tr><td class="$navclass[profilepic]" nowrap="nowrap"><a class="smallfont" href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=editprofilepic">$vbphrase[edit_profile_picture]</a></td></tr>
  6. Paste this immediately after (although you can choose a different location):
    <if condition="$permissions['vbguildpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['vbguildpermissions']['canusevbguild']">
        <td class="$navclass[vbguild]" nowrap="nowrap">
          <a class="smallfont" href="vbguild.php?$session[sessionurl]user=list">$vbphrase[vbguild_usercp_link_title]</a>
  7. Click Save.
  8. Expand Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates and open the navbar template.
  9. Find the following:
  10. Paste this immediately after (although you can choose a different location):
    <td class="vbmenu_control">
      <a href="vbguild.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[vbguild_title]</a>
  11. Click Save.
  12. Do this for every style you want to apply vbGuild to.

  1. Open your board's admin control panel: vBTEAM Underground - Free vBulletin Hacks, Skins and Support
  2. Expand Usergroups >> Usergroup Manager
  3. Choose a group to allow to manage characters and show in the list
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the permissions list
  5. Select the desired permissions in the vbGuild block
  6. Click Update.
  7. Repeat for each usergroup you want to permit some vbGuild usage. The default is deny all but viewing.

  1. Open your board's admin control panel: vBTEAM Underground - Free vBulletin Hacks, Skins and Support
  2. Expand vbGuild >> Edit Game List
  3. Add game.
  4. Repeat for each game you want to add.

  1. Open your board's admin control panel: vBTEAM Underground - Free vBulletin Hacks, Skins and Support
  2. Expand vbGuild >> Edit Server List
  3. Choose game in the dropdown.
  4. Add servers to that game.
  5. Repeat for each game you want to add to.

  1. Open your board's admin control panel: vBTEAM Underground - Free vBulletin Hacks, Skins and Support
  2. Expand vbGuild >> Edit Character Traits
  3. Choose game in the dropdown.
  4. Enter a trait name, choose the type, click add trait.
  5. Most things should be obvious. The two things worth mentioning are drag-and-drop sorting and, for select boxes, if you put a number range in the option name field it will create that entire range. For instance, if you want to create levels 1 through 70, type 1-70 and click Add Option.
  6. Repeat for each game you want to add to.

i'm using vb 3.8 gold and i have this message when i click on the vbGuild bloc:

Warning: require_once(/vbGuild/lib/VbGuild.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/admincp/vbguild.php on line 46

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/vbGuild/lib/VbGuild.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php/lib/php') in /home/www/***CENSURED********/web/forum/admincp/vbguild.php on line 46

does someone can explain or help me please?

the line 46 is the following:

$navbits = construct_navbits($navbits);

thanks by advance!