
New Member
Users such as Hoxxy were complaining that the previous version of the 3.7.2 vBGN release 'had a risk of getting caught' so I've removed everything that seconds that risk. I expect more ungrateful posts.

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||  #                        \_/ \____/ \____/\_| \_/                        #  ||
||  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  ||
||  #                vBulletin.v3.7.2.PHP.NULLIFIED.UPDATED-vBGN             #  ||
||  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  ||
||  ##########################################################################  ||
||  #                            www.vBGNW.com                               #  ||
||  ##########################################################################  ||
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||  #[ReLeAsE iNfO]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────#  ||
||  # []  Supplied By  : vBGN TEAM                                           #  ||
||  # [] Nullified By  : vBGN TEAM                                           #  ||
||  # []  Packaged By  : vBGN TEAM                                           #  ||
||  # [] Release Date  : 02/07/2008 (Wed. 02nd July 2008)                    #  ||
||  # [] Script Info   : Bulletin (Forum) Board System                       #  ||
||  # [] Script Type   : PHP/MySQL                                           #  ||
||  # [] Protection    : N/A                                                 #  ||
||  # [] Demo Provided : NO                                                  #  ||
||  # [] Demo URL/URI  : SITE HAS BEEN CLOSED - HOSTING TERMINATED           #  ||
||                                                                              ||
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||  # is a 12 year old asshole, who scams people, and deletes their hosting  #  ||
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||  #[GrOuP CoNtAcT]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────#  ||
||  # [] Website      : www.vbgnw.com                                        #  ||
||  # [] E-Mail       : [email protected]                                      #  ||
||  # [] Contact No.  : N/A                                                  #  ||
||                   ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐                ||
||                   │ vBGN IS A WEB-RELATED GROUP AND WE DO   │                ||
||                   │ NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR    │                ||
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||                   │  WITHOUT CONSENT OR WITHOUT THE NFO FILE│                ||
||                   └─────────────────────────────────────────┘                ||
Users such as Hoxxy were complaining that the previous version of the 3.7.2 vBGN release 'had a risk of getting caught' so I've removed everything that seconds that risk. I expect more ungrateful posts.

And heres the first one....
I don't know if you realise but I'm a moderator here and so its my job to warn vBTEAM members of potential risks and hazards of downloading/using unknown group products, my comments are in no way meant to be offensive to you nor any staff you may have, I am simply doing my job to the best of my ability by warning our members of the potential risks they may incure if their impatiants gets the better of them and can't wait for a trusted release from groups such as GYSN or DGT, but come on....making such mistakes as you did in your last release just goes to prove my opinions of your releases!

I don't mean to be big headed nor egotistical in anyway but from what I gather from members comments left about me, my posts and the fact I have the highest reputation level on vBTEAM, I believe myself to be a very respected member here and so If I say something (and all other vBTEAM staff for that matter) most vBTEAM members take heed of what I/we say and what I/we do say is out of respect to them and not a case of me/us being vindictive or bias in anyway!

I personally don't get any perks from being a mod here in the sense I don't get paid to do what I do, I don't get an unlimited rapidshare account (or any other maedia file sharing account), I don't get access to mods/releases a few days before official release, I don't get access to a shared vbulletin.com/.org account, I dont even have the satifaction of bragging to my friends saying I'm a mod' on vBTEAM the best unofficial vBulletin mods/hacks forum on the net as most of them haven't even heard of vBulletin nor even know how to turn on a computer...
I simply do it out of the fact of my enjoyment of helping other people out, of which many members (and they will tell you) are very greatful!!

Also be aware by singling me out as a complainer of your product/release you have probably lost any fan base you did have!

Oh yeah and as normal..........

Unkown nuller/group...Download and use at your own risk!

Hoxxy :D
I am not singling you out of anything, neither was I whining at the fact that you were 'complaining' about my releases. My meaning was that you were doing your job, and even though I didn't mention it, I am very grateful that you (and RomRazor off GYSN) reported those errors, so I could remove and or fix them in the update of the previous version. I didn't mean any offence, and sorry if you took any.
Lol honestly, I don't know why ANYONE bothers to submit nullified vBulletin's, if DGT/GYSN have already released theirs.

No offense, but you'd have to have an IQ of 5 to use unknown nullers release.

WiRED said:
Lol honestly, I don't know why ANYONE bothers to submit nullified vBulletin's, if DGT/GYSN have already released theirs.

No offense, but you'd have to have an IQ of 5 to use unknown nullers release.

I acknowledge that new groups have to build their trust and so fourth, but we have tested all our releases with modifications added, prefixes tested etc. and no bugs/errors have been found. It's up to you whether you choose to use the release or not. We are blatantly doing this for a pass time, whilst making sure it's fully functional.

blero said:
thankssssssss man
No problem. If you encounter any bugs, PM me, or post them here, so I can take a look and fix them. Thank you.
Ok. Stop picking on Hammad. His vBulletin works perfectly fine. His company, should I say, works perfcectly fine aswell. He is a trusted nuller, and he even offered money forpeople whom could help him learn to null. I don't know any of your company's that Null, so I could say you'd have to have an IQ of 5 aswell..

Thank's Hammad! Great release!
Devistation if he is a Trusted Nuller why is he not known on the scene? I've been around since late 70's early 80's and have never heard of him......im not saying he can't null but it appears he is new at it and made some mistakes and was placed on the carpet ...all Hoxxy did was let members know what he saw.....and then for your friend hammad has to say we are ungrateful........?

Hammad needs you to help him make all his releases functional and let it be your site that gets tagged.....as your the test subject. One thing to remember sometimes we are not who we seem to be on here and may have another past. =)

DGT and GYSN are well know and trusted and have been around for a long while and I will stick with them on what ever they do.
Another rip off from GYSN. Check for the link above to their forum. Why isn't this fool banned?