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This is the first 3 pages of the Addon Modules, Hacks, & Modifications forum on VBA

ported the arcade news hack - vBadvanced Forums

CMPS Articles Module
CMPS Articles Module - vBadvanced Forums

Weather Module
Weather Module - vBadvanced Forums

Clan Recruitment Form
Clan Recruitment Form: But very scaleable for other things.... - vBadvanced Forums

Newsfeed with Selector menu
Newsfeed with Selector menu - vBadvanced Forums

Scrolling/fading image block
Scrolling/fading image block - vBadvanced Forums

Number of v3 Arcade Games in vBadvanced Stats Block
Number of v3 Arcade Games in vBadvanced Stats Block - vBadvanced Forums

Image Uber Friendly Front Page News Displaying Template
Image Uber Friendly Front Page News Displaying Template - vBadvanced Forums

Adding a Rotating Banner/Ad to VBAdvanced CMPS
Adding a Rotating Banner/Ad to VBAdvanced CMPS - vBadvanced Forums

vBChat Module for CMPS
vBChat Module for CMPS - vBadvanced Forums

G180 Top Posters
G180 Top Posters - vBadvanced Forums

Add Your Homepage to Your "Who's Online" Locations
Add Your Homepage to Your "Who's Online" Locations - vBadvanced Forums

VBA_TSOnline_Block (Teamspeak Module)
Teamspeak Module - vBadvanced Forums

Scoreboard Module
Scoreboard Module - vBadvanced Forums

Webcam Feed Module
Webcam Feed Module - vBadvanced Forums

Google Ads
Google Ads - vBadvanced Forums

Another Random Images from Coppermine
Another Random Images from Coppermine - vBadvanced Forums

vBa CMPS: Customizable RSS feed module
vBa CMPS: Customizable RSS feed module - vBadvanced Forums

Nav Menu
Nav Menu if anyone wants it - vBadvanced Forums

Module to add FlashChat to your vBAdvanced
Module to add FlashChat to your vBAdvanced - vBadvanced Forums

Analog Clock Module [FLASH]
Analog Clock Module [FLASH] - vBadvanced Forums

Google GMail Login Block
Google GMail Login Block - vBadvanced Forums

Forum Announcement(s) on CMPS
Forum Announcement(s) on CMPS - vBadvanced Forums

RSS Feeds on your homepage
RSS Feeds on your homepage - vBadvanced Forums

VbRadio Module for CMPS
VbRadio Module for CMPS - vBadvanced Forums

vba shoutbox side block
vba shoutbox side block - vBadvanced Forums

Flash Dynamic Nav Menu
Flash Dynamic Nav Menu - vBadvanced Forums