VB Skins


New Member
Is there a way to purchase VB skins from the selling sites without a vb licence or without giving them the URL in which the skin is to be used?

Am I right to assume that if I get someone to purchase a skin for me, it would need some attention so that it can be used on any site?

Any helpful info would be much appreciated.

Is there any site your talking about specifically? I think there is a few out there, that does
not ask you for your URL.
The ones that I have been browsing do require the URL's, and they are the sites that I like the skins from, and which appear to be the skins on request that no one has.
j0nty07 said:
The ones that I have been browsing do require the URL's, and they are the sites that I like the skins from, and which appear to be the skins on request that no one has.

And what site is that?
There's a couple of sites that I have viewed recently with Extremepixels being one of them. I have placed a request in the appropriate forum on the off chance that somebody may have the skin I require. But I suspect it may not be the case.

The thing is I require the 3.6.8 version and not an older version + ignoring style blah etc.

If it hadn't been for the URL requirement, I would of gone ahead and purchased. However, due to this hiccup, I am left thinking that I need an honest vbteamer like Daz/void etc who can put me onto the right road with someone who can purchase for me, and to add to that is the reason why I am asking if the skin would need passing on for some specific attention etc before I can use it on my anon site, and sharing with the community.
I've had a moment of inspiration, and provided myself with the answer and I have since purchased the skin I needed, and will try to use the same methods in the future.