vB.org reporting


New Member
That's what AdToll wrote:
Hello [++++],

I am writing you due to an issue that was brought to my attention.  I was contacted by the publisher of copyrighted material for [url=http://vbulletin.org/]vbulletin.org[/url].  They alerted me that you are hosting/providing material that is writen and exclusively released by [url=http://vbullentin.org/]vbullentin.org[/url] without permission.  One of the specific modifications: [url]http://www.vbteam.info/vb-3-7-x-addons-template-modifications/9434-advanced-ip-ban-manager.html[/url].  I was contacted by the individual who wrote this material and would like it removed from your site; along with the hundreds of other vbulletin copywrighted material.  

I realize that your site pertains to vbulletin and would consist of vbulletin material.  Therefore, I suggest seeking permission to host the material.  Whether or not you decide to remove the material is your choice.  But please know that if you decide to retain the material, then we will have to delete your site from our directory due to the violation of our terms of service (Please see [url=http://www.adtoll.com/terms_of_service]Terms of Service - Online Advertising, Pay Per Click Advertising, Banner Advertising, Video Advertising, Text Advertising, Peel Away Advertising, Affiliate Program @ AdToll - Your Tollgate to Web Traffic[/url], section #5).  

I will give you 48 hours to either remove the copywrighted material, or get permission from [url=http://vbulletin.org/]vbulletin.org[/url] to host the material.  If these requirements are not met within this time frame, then I will have to cancel your active ads and delete your site from our directory (Your account may still remain active, but the site will be deleted).

If have no intention of removing the material, please let me know so I can take the appropriate action.

Thank you in advance for you understanding of this situation, and I look forward to your response.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.



Account Manager

Office: [++++][++++][++++]

Adtoll.com - Self-Service Advertising - Easy as 1, 2, 3 !

My reply:

I am aware of that matter, and I have checked everything with
[url=http://vbulletin.org/]vbulletin.org[/url]. Their website does not have any permission to the
material released on their site. The only people who have right to the
material are the people who have posted it. Therefore [url=http://vbulletin.org/]vbulletin.org[/url]
has no right to speak for the developers.

It's extremely hard to confirm that the person you received that
information from is the developer himself or is it just another person
who just doesn't like us.

I have removed the post you mentioned, just to make your life easier.
If anyone else will contact with exact urls, please email them to me.

Thank you.

And AdToll reply:
Hello [++++],

Thank you for your detailed and timely response!  I appreciate you removing the specific post that I provided.  Thus, I am satisfied with your response and action.  If any other issues arise, I will contact you.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.  It is greatly appreciated!  You are and have been a pleasure to work with!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.



Account Manager

Office: [++++][++++][++++]

Adtoll.com - Self-Service Advertising - Easy as 1, 2, 3 !