New Member
Hello <BR><BR>I am going through Sam's Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days and have so far found it very good. However, after writing a custom control I was instructed to compile it by writing: <BR>vbc /t:library /out:..inCustomControls.dll /r:System.dll <BR>/r:System.Web.dll CustomControl1.vb <BR>at the prompt where the vb file is saved. <BR><BR>I did this but got this error: <BR>vbc : Command line error BC2012 : can't open '..inCustomControls.dll' for writing <BR><BR>I can't go any further without that dll file but the book doesn't suggest that this might happen. Could anyone explain to me why this might have happened and how to solve it please? <BR><BR>thanks a lot <BR>Gareth James <BR><><Search your machine (or Server) for CustomControls.dll, check that it is not a read only file (or that yoiu have the correct permissions to write to it) and reset them if needs be, which I suspect will be tha case!