I assume I am missing something very basic, but here is my plight. In VB.net, I have created a class that inherits MembershipUser and returns the object from a web service:\[code\]Public Class ModifiedUserInherits MembershipUser\[/code\]The user logs in:\[code\] Private Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs) Handles Login1.Authenticate Dim ws As New MembersWS.Members Dim Member As New MembersWS.ModifiedUser ws.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials() Member = ws.ValidateUser(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password) End Sub\[/code\]When the object is created in the web service, ModifiedUser contains all of the properties of \[code\]MembershipUser\[/code\] as well as the properties of the new class. In my example, the \[code\]ValidateUser\[/code\] function validates the user and adds the additional properties:\[code\] Public Function ValidateUser(ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Password As String) As ModifiedUser Dim BaseUser As MembershipUser = Membership.Provider.GetUser(UserName, False) Dim Member As New ModifiedUser If Membership.Provider.ValidateUser(UserName, Password) = True Then Member = New ModifiedUser(BaseUser.ProviderName, BaseUser.UserName, BaseUser.ProviderUserKey, BaseUser.Email, BaseUser.PasswordQuestion, BaseUser.Comment, BaseUser.IsApproved, BaseUser.IsLockedOut, BaseUser.CreationDate, BaseUser.LastLoginDate, BaseUser.LastActivityDate, BaseUser.LastPasswordChangedDate, BaseUser.LastLockoutDate, 0, "", "", "", "", True) ... (Set new property values)End ifReturn MemberEnd Function\[/code\]When \[code\]Member\[/code\] is returned to \[code\]Login1_Authenticate\[/code\], the readonly properties are dropped from the object while they were included in the object being returned from the web service.In the \[code\]reference.vb\[/code\] file for the web service, the auto-generated code includes a partial \[code\]MembershipUser class\[/code\] including only the updateable properties with the associated getters and setters:\[code\]Partial Public Class MembershipUserPrivate emailField As StringPrivate commentField As StringPrivate isApprovedField As BooleanPrivate lastLoginDateField As DatePrivate lastActivityDateField As Date\[/code\]If anyone can let me know how to include the readonly properties in the returned object, I'd really appreciate it.