VB.NET or C#


I'd just like to know how many of you are writing ASP.NET apps in VB.NET vs C#

I'm a php programmer learning the whole ASP.NET thing for work.

I just find that at least C# looks like every other language out there with the ; at the end of statement, not of this Dim stuff blah blah blah...

TIAWell, don't get TOOOO confident about all other languages out there having a ';'

That's something is found in all types of C and Java. There are many that don't use an EOL delimmiter at all.

Dims are the equivalent of Vars in that they are "untyped" variables that can be used for anything.

C# is very cool in that it takes the power of Java and uses a C Syntax which more M$ developers are used to. However, I'd stick with good ol' ASP (VB) as C Sharp hasn't exactly broken out mainstream yet and so it's still less tested and less supported. I think in a few years, C# will be one of the most popular languages and I would definitely try to learn as much of it as you can, but I just wouldn't want to be one of the "pioneers" who have to put up with waiting for M$ to release the latest patch to fix the latest bugs.

Note: If you're an OOP programming, definitely learn C# and try to use it as much as possible as that is C#'s serious advantage over VB. If you're wondering what OOP means, then just forget this note.:DIf you're wondering what OOP means, then just forget this note.:D I hate it when people say that WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS OOP!!! :D

Anyway have you noticed how much slower Microsoft.com .net website areas are compared to their asp bits!

I notice the speed alot in my friends website when he moved over from asp to .net and back again to asp.

When I learn ASP to a a good level I will start on C.I have always use PHP, but when i began in .net it was like 'obvious' that i would use vb.net and NOT C#

one big advantage : i already knew a lot of vb6 (classes, active x ddl's and exe, a lot!!)

I also know C and C++, is there a big difference between C++ and C# ?

I think i'll try to learn it after i have written my site in asp.net using vb.net.

question: is there a asp.net forum like there is a phpbb forum and has somebody already got experience with it? Is it easy to use? And on what db can we use it (only access?)

btw: OOP object oriented programmingOnly because i've learned ASP with VBscript...

I use VB.NET for all my ASP.NET projects at work. However, I've coded a lot in Java, and am planning to familiarize myself with C# for sure... i've heard great things about it. Actually i'm starting an ASP.NET project with some peers which will be written in C#

They are both relatively equivalent aside from the prior advantages of VB vs Java.

The main point is ASP.NET owns =)Originally posted by darktown
question: is there a asp.net forum like there is a phpbb forum and has somebody already got experience with it? Is it easy to use? And on what db can we use it (only access?)

btw: OOP object oriented programming

Not sure bout ASP.NET, but for ASP
there's the "Snitz 2000" forums.

Free I believe, just google a bit ;)Originally posted by putts

I'd stick with good ol' ASP (VB) as C Sharp hasn't exactly broken out mainstream yet and so it's still less tested and less supported.

That's not as completely true any more, ASP.net has replaced ASP website news. Including 15Seconds.com,4guysfromrolla.com and many others. Just support finally with the full release it will make mainstream like your suggesting.