iC o u n t Er
New Member
I am just about to start learning asp.net, but before I begin I am wondering which language I should learn with visual basic or c#, are there any advantages/strengths that on has over the other.<BR><BR>Any advice much appreciated.What language you choose is really not an issue. Both languages use the .NET Framework to do the meat of the work, and this is a shared library. VB.NET has matured quite a bit to make it a real, OO language. Choose the language you are more comfortable with. personally, I like C++ a lot better than VB, the syntax seems more sensical to me, so I've chosen C# over VB.NET. But both are so similar that, personally, I find it quite easy to translate from one to the other.<BR><BR>In fact, in my latest book, ASP.NET: Tips, Tutorials, and Code, all of the source code examples in the book are available on the Web site in both VB.NET and C# syntax.<BR><BR>Buy the book, ASP.NET: Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials:<BR>http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672321432/4guysfromrollaco