vB feeding RSS?


New Member
I know it is possible to feed RSS into de Board... but I want to do the opposite of this feature.... is this possible?

I mean, I want to be able to get information about the recent postings in my board by a RSS Reader, to be able to get to know the recent announcements without surfing my forum.

Does vB feed a reader? Is there a Plugin for it?
Thanks for the answer, but I cant find such secion in my admincp. I´m aware I´m using another forum language than english but theres nothing simililar on the left ... :(

Or do I need to instal something first?
its under Custom BB codes lol :) and has the name RSS Feeds... if your using 3.0 or 3.5 you can search along time but you will never find it :)
Yeah, what I suspected ... I am Administrator, but not the Superadministrator (id: 1), so I must have this section hidden ... by the S-Admin.

open your config.php

search for

$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] =

see if your ID is there

to be like this

$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1';