

New Member
Has anyone tried fronting their vBulletin installation with Varnish?

I have everything in place (i.e. varnish -> lighttpd --> vBulletin) but can not seem to figure out how to get it to not cache authenticated sessions and cache anonymous sessions.

It either caches everything when I set:
if (req.http.Authenticate || req.http.Authorization") {


or caches nothing if I base the pass on cookies when it comes to dynamic content.

Right now I have it working with images, css and javascript (as I can separate them out easily enough) but I am at a dead end as far as caching pages (which is really the point being lighttpd serves up the latter efficiently enough as is.)

I'd love to see someone's vcl for a vBulletin implementation.
To answer my own question:

I had to set a new cookie in the login.php script and then I filtered out users with that cookie.