variable persistence


New Member
Actually two issues. multivariate array and variable persistence.

I am creating a site using frames. One of my pages will be a photo slide show. I prefer to use an array to provide navigation in the slide show rather than using seperate pages and hard coding the navigation. I think I have that down.

But some of these images have associated pages with additional images. I would like to use the array to track those pages as well.

Here is what I would like the array to look result.

slide[1]=(img1.jpg, null)
slide[3]=(img3.jpg, null)

how do I create the array?

For those images that have associated pages, I would like to provide a link to the second value. If I can get it into the array , I can get it out (I think). This will load the associated page in the frame. the user then should be able to go back to the page he/she just left. no problem.

But how do I ensure that the user will return to that slide show with the last image viewed?

I am considering a global variable initialized on the navigation page(frame) and updated on the slide show page; then using that to select the correct array element.

First time I have started to do more than cut and paste js. please help me learn to fish
