-Old domains have much more value because enough buyers believe older domains rank better in search engines.
-Let's start by assuming Google is actually checking domain age during the search proccess.
-To determine the age of the domain, does Google 'see' the archives or whois info?
In general, will a buyer recognize the value of an 'old' domain, if shown the archive records proving it was originally created in '1999' (for example)?
Or is there a 'penalty' for having let it expire, prior to 'revival' or renewal? (meaning people, and Google???, see 2004 on the current whois, and will refuse to accept it as a valuable 'old' domain, even if offered a chance to view the archives).
-Let's start by assuming Google is actually checking domain age during the search proccess.
-To determine the age of the domain, does Google 'see' the archives or whois info?
In general, will a buyer recognize the value of an 'old' domain, if shown the archive records proving it was originally created in '1999' (for example)?
Or is there a 'penalty' for having let it expire, prior to 'revival' or renewal? (meaning people, and Google???, see 2004 on the current whois, and will refuse to accept it as a valuable 'old' domain, even if offered a chance to view the archives).