Validation Questions


OK...I did it!<br />
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I converted my XHTML compliant site back to HTML...<br />
<br /> freakin' hand (as in, "manually.")<br />
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(& for those that helped me to determine that as the correct approach...thanks.)<br />
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I replaced the XHTML prologue with HTML, for every page (&...I apologize if that's a misspell...everyone else seems to spell it "prolog.")<br />
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Then I rewrote all the image, meta, object, area & line break tags to HTML standard...<br />
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...& validated the entire site (in Dreamweaver.)<br />
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There are a few errors that I am having trouble with; & I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction (& believe me...I am very appreciative of all the help already received in the board):<br />
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1) The tag: "table" doesn't have an attribute. "height" in currently active versions.<br />
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All I did here was to place a Table inside of a Layer. It seems to look fine on the web. Can't figure out why this is an error.<br />
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2) The tag: "marquee" is not allowed within: "strong" is only allowed within: body.<br />
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Here, I placed a scrolling marquee script (again, inside a Layer.) I made the text bold, because it looked weak, otherwise. I was under the impression that it only worked in IE, but a friend of mine informed me that it works for them in Navigator, as well. Is having a scrolling marquee a problem? Is there a better way to accomplish this?<br />
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3) I have 4 tags *above* the <!DOCTYPE> tag:<br />
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<cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding="iso-8859-1"/><br />
<cfcontent type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/><br />
<cfset setEncoding("URL", "iso-8859-1")/><br />
<cfset setEncoding("FORM", "iso-8859-1")/>,<br />
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...which were written there when I placed a PayPal button on a merchandise page, which links to a payment form at PayPal. The Validator claims the "cfprocessingdirective", "cfcontent" & "cfset" tags are not found in currently active versions.<br />
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Not quite sure what to do about this one. I feel weird about the location, primarily (above the DTD.) Is it that, or the tags themselves?<br />
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4) The tag name: "embed" not found in currently active versions.<br />
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This came about due to the fact that I placed 4 Flash Buttons on a page. They also seem to work fine.<br />
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Thanks for any help,<br />
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mark4man<!--content-->I presume you are using HTML 4.01 Strict, in which case the following apply:<br />
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1. The height attribute for tables etc. is deprecated, and you should use CSS instead.<br />
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2. Don't use marquees. They are not standards compliant and violate accessibility recommendations. They have never been part of HTML 4.01.<br />
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3. None of those are valid tags anywhere, let alone above a doctype, but you may need them for PayPal to work. You may be able to move them into the <head> section, so at least browser quirks mode is avoided<br />
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4. Embed is not a valid HTML 4.01 tag, it is an extension. You should use object (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... def-OBJECT</a><!-- m -->) for standards compliance.<br />
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Adam<br />
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P.S. Why on earth are you converting back from XHTML to HTML?<!--content-->See mark4man's (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=15513</a><!-- m -->) previous thread.<br />
mark4man is apparently using:<br />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> which is quirks mode.<!--content-->Correction for point 1: height is not an attribute for <table>, it applies to <td> and <th> in the loose (transitional) DTD (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), and does not apply to table elements at all in the strict DTD.<br />
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The other points still apply.<br />
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Adam<!--content-->In answer to your question, as XHTML, the page where I sold my CD, which contained a PayPal button (which linked to a payment form at PayPal)...<br />
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...did not work...<br />
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...with the error listed as XML in nature.<br />
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Aside from that, some friends of mine with old Mac's (probably running old NN), claimed they could not display the site.<br />
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So I just busted everything back to HTML. (I'll come back to it later...after I finish my CD...& convert back (& repair to that standard.) But for now...I didn't have the time.<br />
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Moving ahead...the errors mentioned earlier were from Dreamweaver's validator. So, out of curiosity, I parsed the site at W3C. They only found 3 errors:<br />
<br />
1) Line 104, column 198: required attribute "ALT" not specified <br />
..." width="262" height="262" border="0"></a></div><br />
^<br />
2) Line 106, column 106: element "MARQUEE" undefined <br />
...Roman, Times, serif"><strong><marquee>escape <br />
^<br />
3) Line 133, column 32: there is no attribute "BORDERCOLOR" <br />
<td width="142" bordercolor="#FFFFFF"><p>&nbsp;</p><br />
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Thanks for all the comments,<br />
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