Validation Control & Events


New Member
I have two questions that I am struggling with.<BR><BR>1. I am developing a .NET application, and am doing heavy user interface developement. I have some validation controls that I am using, and they are very effective, and I know how to turn them off and on BEFORE they are "fired" the problem is how do I "reset" a page once the validation errors have been exposed? In other words, is there an event I can respond to and set the enabled property back to false so I can clear a page and allow the user to start over?<BR><BR>2. If I have one event handler that handles the events from 2 different buttons, how do I tell which button fired the event? I know that I can tell that it was a button, but how do I know WHICH button?<BR><BR>THANKS!<BR>NEVER MIND...<BR><BR>I found the answer to question one. If you set the "Causes Validation" property of your "Reset" button = False, you can take care of it that way. So simple...