

right now i have 38 errors and i need help changing some stuff to asp....i am validating in html 4.01 transitional.....heres where you can find the page i need help with:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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also attached is the code....some say to do includes instead of iframe but how can you do that with one page inside the other like the iframe? i like the look i have now but i need to get it validated<!--content-->This is not really a matter for the asp forum then :p. You are just going to have to do this yourself, you are going to need to learn it. I would say ditch a tabular layout all togehter. Tables are great for tabular data, but css has some definate advantages over tables for layout. I would say at the very least drop the align element and height and width and use css for that and it will help you validate. If you want to learn how to use css for layout I reccomend looking at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> for some of their rudimentary layout examples and <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> to learn the syntax of css and all.<!--content-->I beleieve it has been said before, but I'll say it again. Block level elements can not go inside of inline elements. <div>, <hr>, and <form> tags do not go inside of <span> tags. This would help clean up a number of your errors by making the correct changes. For the most part you use <span> tags like <div> tags. Use <div> tags instead.<br />
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Beyond the need to replace a table based layout with a CSS one, you could really rework your code to use the id attribute and get rid of defining so much of your styles within the tags themselves.<br />
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Instead of using iframes, insert the include statement where the ocde for the ifram would go.<!--content-->how would i link to the include area through a link....or would i have to have each individual page have all the links on it to?<!--content-->huh? Just make a layout and include it, like the top and the bottom and only vary to content in the middle. You are using asp so here is your include code<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<!--#include file="top.txt"--> or .inc or .html or whatever, as long as it is an ascii file.<!--content-->