Hi, im having a few problems trying to validate a users input. I would like to see if a user has entered a date in the future. I am using the following code at present:<BR><BR><asp:CompareValidator <BR> ControlToValidate="dob" <BR> id="compdobnow"<BR> Operator="LessThan"<BR> Type="Date"<BR> ValueToCompare="22/04/2002"<BR> Display="none" <BR> errormessage="This date is in the future. Please Correct"<BR> runat="server" /><BR><BR>I would like to change the 'ValueToCompare' to something like ValueToCompare = DateTime.Now but I get an error message telling me:<BR><BR>The value 'DateTime.Now' of the ValueToCompare property of 'compdobnow' cannot be converted to type 'Date'.<BR><BR>Any help is appreciated<BR><BR>ta<BR><BR>-Vaz<BR><BR><BR>Try doing it like this in the pageload.<BR>compdobnow.ValueToCompare = DateTime.Nowthanks you pointed me in the right direction, I found that this:<BR>compdobnow.ValueToCompare = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString<BR>seems to work<BR><BR>ta again<BR><BR>-VazI am also trying to validate for future date when the user inputs the date and i get the same error message as you got. Do i need to put <BR>compdobnow.ValueToCompare = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString <BR>in the page load event and if i do this and enter a future date i am not getting the error message and i change to today's date and when i try to save it is not working either. I would really appreciate if you can help me on this.<BR><BR>