Valid use of Flash


Staff member
Is there a valid use of flash taht can be used on a website?? or are movies just non valid things to happen<!--content-->One of the perhaps only valid uses for Flash is just like how you'd use an image: to enhance aesthetics. Another one I'd say, off the top of my head, would be to use it for some kind of media player to show off sample clips of music (e.g., for a bands site). Any other use (e.g., using Flash to build an entire site or navigation menu) is generally annoying and moreover, inaccessible<!--content-->yes, but is there valid code for that?<!--content--><!--content-->i'd say flash games are a valid use.<br />
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And i dont see a problem with using flash for a nifty menu bar or something, as long as its not one of those annoying ones with sounds on highlights and clicks and stuff- and as long as you provide alternate navigation using html markup at the bottom of the page or something.<br />
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flash is very useful and cool in my opinion, i strongly believe that it should only be used to compliment your html page though, and shouldn't be used to make your entire website in flash...<!--content-->I agree. When I said an extra graphic or media player or something, I should've also mentioned games; that's perhaps the best use for Flash.<!--content-->I do not mind Flash when Flash is content and not decoration: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> :D :D :D<!--content-->Everyone should know about Kenya! (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) :D<!--content-->Even though I do believe there are some valid uses for Flash, I've personally never had the need to use it on any of my sites and I don't think I ever will either.<!--content-->This is true, I personally find that CSS and XHTML are usually enough for me, perhaps with some JavaScript frills for those who can experience them.<!--content-->*ahem*<br />
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That is all. :)<!--content-->