Valid HTML


I have been told by the W3C Validator that the htm file/s I created in NoteTab and uploaded to my ISP successfully, and which do function (somewhat) is "Not Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional". The online tutorial I took to get started mentioned nothing about this. NoteTab asked me when I used their wizard about it, but I ignored that, perhaps incorrectly. My question: since my pages "work" a little, what do I need to do to become compliant? Is it just an additional tag or something? If this is such a problem, why do my pages work = open linked files, for instance? <br />
The site attempted to validate my files with an "SGML" parser and gave me errors. Some of them don't make much sense, so I guess I have to straighten out the validity issue before proceeding.<br />
Thanks in advance for all comments!<!--content-->depends on the errors. if they're just warnings, you can more or less ignore them, though fixing them would obviously be best. what's the url?<!--content-->Cut and paste the validator results page URL into this thread so we can see the error list.<!--content-->I stumbled upon a free HTML Validator connected with NoteTab. Before I pester you with elementary errors, let me learn how to use that. Save your brain cells for interesting questions! Thanks for you interest in my problem.<!--content-->Browse back through the last 9 months of posts in this forum and you'll find most of the easy problems and quite a few of the more difficult, or strangely subtle ones, answered too.<!--content-->