Using xpath on a PHP SimpleXML object, SOAP + namespaces (not working..)


New Member
After researching this on SO and google for hours now... I hope to get some help here:(I am just one step away from running a regex to remove the namespaces completely)First this is the XML:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header xmlns=""> <SessionId>0119A|1</SessionId> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <Security_AuthenticateReply xmlns=""> <processStatus> <statusCode>P</statusCode> </processStatus> </Security_AuthenticateReply> </soap:Body></soap:Envelope>\[/code\]Now this is what my code in PHP looks like:\[code\]$response = simplexml_load_string( $str ,NULL, false, "" );// just making sure the name space is "registered"// but I tested all examples also with this removed$response->registerXPathNamespace("soap", "");$_res = $response->xpath('//soap:Header');print_r($_res);/*** result: simple query for the root "soap" namespace, this looks good! (so far..)Array( [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [SessionId] => 0119A|1 ))***/// now we query for the "SessionId" element in the XML$_res = $response->xpath('//soap:Header/SessionId');print_r($_res);/*** result: this does not return anything!Array()***/// another approach$_res = $response->xpath('//soap:Header/SessionId/text()');print_r($_res);/*** result: this does not return anything at all!***/// Finally, without using XPath this does work$_res = $response->xpath('//soap:Header');$_res = (string)$_res[0]->SessionId;echo $_res;/*** result: this worked0119A|1***/\[/code\]How can I get the SOAP message working with XPATH???Thanks,Roman