Using XML as an ADO Recordset Source


Staff member
I want to create an ADO recordset out of an XML string returned by a component(i.e., not from a file). I am receiving an XML string from a COM componentthat was sent using a stream. I want to "re-hydrate" the XML into an ADOrecordset in an ASP page using VBScript. I try the following:set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rst.Open oQuestion.ViewAnd I get the following error:The application requested an operation on an object with areference to a closed or invalid Connection object.I've tried creating connection objects to go in, but nothing seems to work.I have sample code from VB that works in VB:' Now open up "re-hydrate" the recordset and returnSet rsData = New ADODB.RecordsetWith rsData.CursorType = adOpenDynamic.CursorLocation = adUseClient.Open stmDataEnd WithBut it shed no light on my problem. I've tried hunting around for some insightbut have thus far found none. If anyone could shed some light on this I wouldvery much appreciate it. Thank you.- Todd