Using XML and VB 6 Web Class


New Member
I am trying to pass xml to a webclass. I am trying to use a domdocument objectwith xml loaded through the loadxml method. That works great. In my webclass_beginrequestevent I have the following code (which is found on MSDN):xmldoc.load(Request)where xmldoc is dimmed as an MSXML.DOMDocument.The error I get is "argument not optional"I have gotten this line of code to work in vbscript on an ASP, but can notget this to work in webclasses. Is there a difference between the requestobject that a webclass uses vs. the request object that ASP uses. I can'tuse vbscript instead of the webclass either. Any help greatly <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->