Using textbox to display the data from XML source using XSL


New Member
I am trying to use the textbox to display the data from recordset in the databasethrough XML and XSL transformation in VBScript.It seems to me there are only two ways to pass the data to the textbox fordisplay purposes and changing the data directly in the textbox.1) store the value from field of the recordset in the variable and placeholder like:<%=something%> to display that value in the input textbox.2) same way but just traversing the MSXMLDOM object and retrieving the node'stext value and assigning it to the variableand again using place holder(<%=something%>)Is there any other ways to display the data in a input textbox through XSLtransformation.Just to clear my question, while posting this message I used the textarealabeled "Message:" and the three textboxes labeled "Name:", "E-mail:", "Subject:",where I typed my name, e-mail, subject and the message itself in the textarea.The same way, I want to use .asp page with XML and XSL transformation todisplay the data in the input boxes with XSL/XSLT.I hope that my question was clear if not please contact me for further clarificationsAny help will be greatly appriciated.Thank you,Marat Musaev