I find that using a certain amount of RSS content on my site adds value to certain pages. But I was wondering if google or any of the SE have any problems with people doing so. I use regular RSS, which shows up as a 200 and lots of content as opposed to javascript content.i suspect you may get penalised for duplicate content if you over do it See, that doesn't make sense. Lots of people have my articles and other people's articles on thousands of sites. In addition, news, which is what I have in RSS, is on I susppose millions of pages on the web. All the same news. How that could get penalized is more than my mind can get hold of. I'm not sure I agree with you.it is just something i have heard others saying. i have no hard evidence to back it up.....it does seems too difficult for a search engine to accurately decide "who was first" and who was the "copycat". i have no idea how this is done (if at all).