Using resources for localization in MVC4


New Member
I'm following this tutorial that was given as answer in this question, however I'm stuck at displaying the resource.Just like in tutorial I've created two files\[code\]App_GlobalResources /Global.en.resx /\[/code\]I've made data annotation class that works and adds a cookie with no errors, it means it injects the local data into current thread properly. When I try to output resource it cannot find it.I've tried to output it like this and none of these works:\[code\]@[email protected]@Resources.Global.Homhello// The name 'Resources/Global/etc...' does not exist in the current context\[/code\]Also, in this tutorial site I see no logic that will inject the proper resource file, how it can do something like (in tutorial) \[code\]@Global.HomeHello\[/code\] and it will know that if url is \[code\]/en/\[/code\] he needs to use \[code\]Global.en.resx\[/code\]Please help, first time using resources and implementing multiple languages, feels 100 times more harder and confusing than using \[code\]*.yml\[/code\] files in other frameworks/languages...